A modern, sustainable farming company enabled by long-term capital partners and the highest caliber team in agriculture


Who We Are

Uka Farm eshte themeluar ne vitin 1996 per qellime shkencore nen parim “Farm to table”. Ferme Biologjike ku aplikohen metoda organike pa perdorimin e pesticideve ose pleherave kimike. Ne fermen tone ka shumellojshmeri kulturash bujqesore ku njerezit mund ti shohin ato. Restoranti ofron nje kuzhine tradicionale me produktet e stines. Kantina e Veres ofron Verera te cilesise me te larte prodhuar nga kultivare rrushi autentik shqipetar.
In the next 40 years, humans will need to produce more food than they did in the previous 10,000 put together.
Cherie Spriggs
Agriculture is core to humanity
Agriculture has provided sustenance and nourishment throughout history. Our farm embraces this tradition by implementing sustainable practices that respect the environment and uphold our commitment to integrity in serving our community.
We Save Natyre & Energy
We Have Organic Framing